DNS0 - Joyomi San Diego IT Consulting

How DNS0 Makes the Internet Safer

Before we get into why DNS0 makes the internet so much safer for users, we have to first gain a surface-level understanding of DNS. Think of the DNS, or the domain name system, as the internet’s very own phonebook that connects web browsers with websites. When you type a URL in a browser, your computer looks up the website’s address on the internet.

The DNS lets you connect to websites by entering human—friendly names such as (www.google.com) with the server’s unique identifier address.

Your internet service provider (ISP) will run its own DNS servers – which may or may not work fine.

Public DNS doesn’t always restrict incoming packets, which makes it vulnerable to DoS (denial of service) and spoofing attacks. This is why it makes so much sense to upgrade your DNS server so you can make your browsing experience safer and, in some cases, faster. You can choose from third-party DNS resolvers like Google Public DNS, Cloudflare, OpenDNS, and DNS0.eu.

Although both Google DNS and Cloudflare are safe to use, they may not provide additional blocking or filtering; but they are secure. If you want the best of both worlds: safety and security, then opting for DNS0 makes much more sense.

We’ve rounded up seven reasons why DNS0 makes the internet safer.

Click Here: A Quick Guide to Using the European Public DNS for Internet Security

Security and Privacy

It is important to choose DNS providers that will provide both safety and privacy so that your family is protected from malicious attacks. To protect your privacy, DNS0 replaces your ISP’s DNS and encrypts all requests that your device sends so that no one can eavesdrop on it. Bedis this, DNS0 supports the following DNS-over-TLS, DNS-over-QUIC, DNS-over-HTTPS, and DDR encrypted upgrade.

In simpler terms, DNS0 ensures a safe browsing experience. The only catch is that it might slow your internet performance down. However, you may notice that switching to DNS0 leads to faster performance. The speed and reliability of DNS0 have been getting better and may be superior to your default DNS servers. This is something you will have to experience.

Another safety feature is that DNS0 does not store your personally identifiable information. The best part is that your DNS traffic never legally leaves the European Union. Because DNS0 is built by EU entities, it offers better warranties to EU citizens about the use of their data. So if you’re a user who is concerned about their privacy (and rightly so), then the best alternative is DNS0’s

Integrated Protection

What ultimately makes DNS0 so useful is the fact that it has been specifically designed for safety. NextDNS engineered its infrastructure to reduce the detection-to-protection time to just a few seconds. In addition to the above, they closely collaborate with cybersecurity specialists in the EU, threat intelligence providers, and other experts.

The end goal is to provide the highest possible level of protection against digital threats to citizens and organizations in the EU.

ZERO is yet another feather in DNS0’s cap. It offers hardened security for extremely sensitive environments and dramatically increases the detection rate for malicious domains, especially in their earliest hours. ZERO works by combining advanced heuristics that combine high-risk patterns with human oversight to completely squash any online threats.

ZERO works by blocking the following types of domains:

  • Newly Registered Domains (NRD)
  • Newly Active Domains (NAD)
  • Typosquatting
  • IDN Homographs
  • Domain Generating Algorithms (DGA)
  • DNS Rebinding
  • Cryptojacking
  • Parked Domains
  • High-riskTLDs
  • Dynamic DNS (DDNS)

Latency and Coverage Throughout EU

When it comes to coverage and connectivity, DNS0 has 55 data centers and 62 servers throughout 27 European cities. This comprehensive network of data centers allows faster speeds to more residents in the EU while lowering the latency.

For the uninitiated, latency is the delay between your input on the internet and the response you get from that input. For example, if you look up something on a search engine and the results appear after a long delay, it is an indication that the latency is very high. This could be because the nearest DNS server you are connected to is far from your current location.

Great Speed

When it comes to speed, NextDNS provides decent speed. There have been reports from users that download speed slowed down by switching to DNS0. On the contrary, some users have reported faster speeds. In practice, there is a large interindividual variability in user speeds on DNS0.

Besides, there are several factors that affect internet speed, including network connections and DNS lookup response times. However, it is expected for DNS0 to perform faster because it has extremely resilient DNS infrastructure distributed throughout European Cities. The median latency across the DNS0 infrastructure is a lightning-fast 12 milliseconds.

Childproof Version of the Internet

DNS0 makes it easy to childproof any device or network in just a few clicks. Doing so will filter out content from the internet that isn’t appropriate for a younger audience. This makes DNS0 the perfect solution if you want to provide a safe online learning environment for your kids at home and school.

DNS0 will block sites that are considered malware, phishing, spam, spyware, deceptive, bitcoin mining, botnet, and others.

The advanced security puts you in complete control of your child’s browsing behaviour. It also blocks piracy and copyright-infringing streaming websites that could be used for illegally distributing copyrighted content, which may be a liability.

The Stats that Matter – at a Glance

A quick look at dnsperf.com shows that NextDNS ranks in the top ten public DNS resolvers with an uptime of 99.36%. It has a query speed of about 18.61 ms, beating both Google DNS and Neustar DNS. In terms of overall raw performance, NextDNS is in the top five DNS providers, beating both Google and Cisco Umbrella.

Although if speed truly matters to you, then you may want to go with Cloudflare – but then you’ll run into the privacy problems that drove you into switching to DNS0 in the first place. In practical terms, the differences in uptime and query speed between DNS0 and Cloudflare are negligible, and most users will not notice a difference.

For the average user, DNS0 provides both competitive performance and security without compromising your privacy.

It is Free

The main advantage of using DNS0 is that the service is provided by a non-profit company. All the data centers that are located throughout the EU are subject to strict laws and regulations that protect your data.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it, an in-depth look at why DNS0 makes the internet much safer for both corporations and citizens. With the growing threat of cybersecurity and data harvesting policies of tech giants like Google, DNS0 seems like a breath of fresh air. It is designed from the ground up for residents and businesses operating in the EU with no compromises.

You would think that speed and performance would be compromised – but a cursory look at the statistics shows otherwise. True, you may notice some drop in speed and performance, but this is to be expected from just about any other DNS resolver, including Cloudflare and Google DNS.