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IT Privacy and Security

5 Biggest Cyber Security Risks That Threaten Businesses

Online security is increasingly becoming dangerous for businesses across the world. Cyber-attacks impact businesses negatively regardless of industry. They not only have to be aware of cybersecurity risks, but also take proper measures to avoid them. Although some business owners have knowledge about internet security, most don’t know how dangerous these threats are. This is

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What Is Cryptojacking: 5 Steps to Stay Safe

What Is Cryptojacking – 5 Ways to Prevent It The rise of cryptocurrencies started a race between different currency miners to generate crypto coins. Since these coins generated an incredible return, many crypto-miners started using illicit means to generate as much cryptocurrency as possible. As a result, cryptojacking became a constant threat for different users

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5 Key Considerations before Deploying Hybrid Clouds

Hybrid clouds bring a new dynamic to cloud technology and provide efficiency, economics, and agility to existing cloud infrastructures. Many organizations are compelled to adopt a hybrid cloud after realizing its various benefits. However, sorting out which model is the best for your business can be difficult. This is why knowing a few key considerations

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Top Cloud Security Risks – X Tips to Make Your Cloud Secure

Cloud computing is becoming popular like never before. Most major industries already rely on cloud services for fast file sharing, data communication, data processing, and using web services. Gartner estimates that the cloud services market will grow as much as 17% to total $266.4 billion in 2020. Despite the importance of cloud computing resources and services,

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Network Security in VoIP – 8 Ways You Can Strengthen It

8 Ways to Strengthen Network Security for VoIP Voice over IP (VoIP) has evolved a lot from where it started. It doesn’t have the same availability and performance issues it used to have in the beginning. VoIP providers have integrated quality-of-service (QoS) technology and built high-speed networks to mitigate those performance issues. Yet, concerns over

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The Role of Intelligent Data Capture in Effective Document Management

Managing documents effectively is critical for businesses around the world. However, with the increasing amount of data, the drive for maximum efficiency, and compliance, privacy, and security issues, document management has become exceptionally difficult. Now, companies need to rely on disrupting technologies, such as intelligent data capture to streamline the flow of information and handle

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Data Analytics and Digital Marketing – The Unseen Connection

People often consider data analytics and digital marketing as two separate domains, although one has become an inseparable part of the other. In this article, we will discuss the unseen connection between digital marketing and data analysis. Why Digital Marketing Alone Falls Short Digital marketing is a subfield of marketing that leverages the internet and

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